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Theophany / Epiphany Coloring

Kali Fotisi /Καλή φώτιση
~ Wishes to you for a "Good Enlightenment" on the holy Feast of Theophany, or Ephiphany. If you are looking for a lesson, try splitting apart the icon, and using it as a beginning. We color and create puppets to retell the story of Christ, St John the Baptist, the Angels, another for the waters, and especially the Dove or Holy Spirit.  Here are some talking points:
  • In this feast, we find each person of the Holy Trinity fully present and our God is revealed to us. Can you find the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit? (The Father's voice is heard, the Son is seen as perfect man, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit is witnessed as a fluttering light, much like that which resembles a dove) The light has appeared to all men!
  • We learn that baptism is not only necessary for the cleansing of our sins, but for the regeneration of our souls and for a life in communion with the fullness of the Holy Trinity. We are sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit, and clothed in Christ, becoming sons/daughters/heirs to the Kingdom of our Heavenly Father. Why? Remember, we fast because Christ fasted; we are baptized, because Christ was baptized; we confess the "Our Father" prayer because Christ taught us this prayer; word for word. Therefore, we embody the hymn"As many as have been baptized into Christ, have put on Christ, alleluia."
  •  Water has always been crucial for life. In this feast, the water is sanctified and offered to drink for the healing of body & soul. Remember the living water that Christ offers the woman Photini at the well, so that we may not thirst again. (John 4:10, John 7:38)
  • A short prayer that we can begin memorizing as we make the sign of the cross is:
    "My hope is the Father, my refuge is the Son, my protection is the Holy Spirit, Holy Trinity, glory to be to Thee."
Here is a video showingthe miraclethat occurs each year at the Jordan River, which begins flowing in an opposite direction from the power of the Holy Cross.

"Today the nature of water is sanctified. Jordan is divided in two, and turns back the stream of its waters, beholding the Master being baptized."

Great Lent Menu - Vegan Fasting

For the 40 day fast this year as Orthodox Christians, we'll try following a pre-planned menu to make life a bit more organized. This also allows someone else to do the grocery shopping for the week! I've included vegan lunch ideas that hopefully your kids will like as much as ours do! Please share your ideas in the comments. To follow a stricter budget, we make a large pot of soup for several days.

Fasting in the Orthodox Church for us means having foods on hand that are quick & vegan so we fill the pantry with only these options!

The 2nd and 4th weeks can be similar with fish added for the feast of the Annunciation. We'll trade out a few weeknight meals with Falafel, Green Beans Greek Style, Lentil Meat Loaf and Grilled Portabella Burgers.

Great Lent for Kids Worksheets

Download these two curriculum worksheets here for your students to learn more about Great Lent in the Orthodox Christian Church. The graphics in this lesson include Lady Sarakosti with her poem in Greek and English as well as a Lenten word search and calendar of the weeks to follow the main themes towards Pascha. Kids will be engaged to color, cut and glue as they grow in their faith.

These files are also recommended for our Orthodox Kids Journal Project located here.
This is a free ongoing activity that follows the Church year. A description of the project and photos can be found here

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email me.

Great Lent Curriculum

Here is a lesson plan chart for Orthodox Great Lent. The lessons are designed for each Sunday leading up to Holy Week.
Each session will include either a craft, coloring page, memory words, activity or hymn to chant. Every child will create necklace name tags on the first day, and decorate folders with fasteners inside that will become their workbooks. They only take home their craft each Sunday, as I will hold on to their folders until the end and add pages for Holy Week with Pascha.
So far, I'm really looking forward to creating the "Family Icon Tree's" and Mummy Wraps with toilet paper for the raising of Saint Lazarus! If you have other ideas I can include, please pass them along! I'll be converting this whole chart to Greek as well if anyone needs that.

Stay tuned for a follow-up PDF and SCRIBD link to download the workbook pages. Workbook Here

UPDATE: I've recently added a sentence scramble activity for the older ones in the group. Basically, seal envelopes with words from at least two memory phrases and ask the kids to work in groups to put the phrase together. This will work well on the Sunday of St John Climacus.

Orthodox Jeopardy

This season of Lent gather Orthodox Christians of all ages for a fun and interactive game of Orthodox Jeopardy. Created in Microsoft Powerpoint, you'll sing along to the familiar theme songs of the television gameshow while testing your knowledge of the faith. Create teams or play individually. Even set up a laptop and projector screen to host this game at Youth Night or Retreats with popcorn and sleeping bags!
The questions range in difficulty and topics include: The Saints, Art & Architecture, Music & Hymnology, The Bible, Faith & Traditions, Miracles...plus more!

    Click here to download this file from our Orthodox Scribd Group or better yet please e-mail eleniemarie@gmail.com for the most accurate Powerpoint layout since it's distorting quite a bit thru the web. Best results have been had by downloading and opening it in Powerpoint itself.

    This activity is also very adaptable for local traditions, languages, levels of difficulty, etc. Hope you enjoy it~

    Canon for a Sick Child & Understanding Sickness

    As parents and youth workers, this small Orthodox Canon empowers us 
    by giving us the words to offer to our Lord during trials of sickness. I wish I could make the whole things available online for free, especially during recent viruses. Here's a sample, and I encourage you to purchase it from any of the several vendors online. (It is published by St. Paisios Monastery in Arizona with the blessing of the Serbian Hierarch.) 

    ++++++++   Canticle One  +++++++++

    O Lord, show the power of Thy mercy!

    O Lord, Thou Who arranges all for the salvation of mankind, receive my humble prayer for this child (name) who is being tried by illness and heal him (her), for Thou dost know his (her) sufferings. Permit him (her) not to suffer, O Lord, but raise him (her) quickly from this illness,
    for Thou art good and the Lover of mankind.

    O Lord, show the power of Thy mercy!

    O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, how great is the multitude of those whom Thou hast healed. The blind have obtained their sight, the deaf have received their hearing, the dumb have begun to speak, the lame have walked. Who has run to Thy help and not received healing?
    We pray unto Thee: O Lord, heal this child who is suffering.

    A Soul Healed through Sickness

    A tremendous Orthodox Christian resource on illness in English is available now at www.newromepress.com

    "Today, despite the remarkable progress of medical science, the number of people who are ill is increasing and new diseases and illnesses continue to make their appearance. Almost every family has previously experienced or is currently going through the pain and ordeal of an illness and therefore it can be helpful to examine the causes of illness and how they may be faced spiritually so that those who so suffer may reap some benefit for their souls. As we shall see, illness, whether it is due to sin or to some other cause, is a means by which the soul can be healed and purified."

    Songs for Lazarus Kalanta in English

    In many parts of Orthodox Christian Greece- the highly anticipated Saturday of Lazarus is celebrated with great joy. There are festivities of songs, costumes, and fish as the Church heralds the Resurrection of Lazarus as a foretaste of Pascha and our very own Resurrection after death. For those that doubt life after death and who dismiss this reality by saying it happened to Christ because He is God but will not to us since we are man...our Lord gives this miracle...what better way to concretely display Christ's power over death and His will for all of us "Lazaruses"...join in below....  

    "Lazarus has come, and so have the palms,
    Sunday of the Palms, and Holy week has come!
    Wake up Lazarus and do not sleep,
    Your day has come and your joy now to reap!

    Where o Lazarus?
    Where were you hiding?
    Down with the deceased,
    Like one who is dying?"........

     (Sung to this melody

    + + +

    Καλή Ανάσταση!  A good Resurrection to all!
    Ήρθε ο Λάζαρος, ήρθαν τα Βάγια,
    ήρθε των Βαγιών η εβδομάδα.
    Ξύπνα Λάζαρε και μην κοιμάσαι,
    ήρθε η μέρα σου και η χαρά σου.

    Πού ήσουν Λάζαρε; Πού ήσουν κρυμμένος;
    Κάτω στους νεκρούς, σαν πεθαμένος.
    Δε μου φέρνετε, λίγο νεράκι,
    που 'ν'το στόμα μου πικρό φαρμάκι.
    Δε μου φέρνετε λίγο λεμόνι,
    Που 'ν'το στόμα μου, σαν περιβόλι.

    Πηγή: https://www.sansimera.gr/articles/584/174

    © SanSimera.gr

    Pascha and Covid-19

    A wise Gerontissa today passes on this wisdom for our times...

    "This Pascha will be the same as the Pascha of 33 AD. Christ alone prayed in Gethsemane (we slept), alone He experienced the sufferings and slanders (we denied Him), alone He ascended Golgotha ​​and the Cross (we watched from afar), He was resurrected behind closed doors with the "Police" outside the sealed tomb (we were scattered), he visited us in our house Resurrected behind closed doors (out of fear) and brought us the hope of the Resurrection! Anyone who doubts that the same thing will happen this year is "mistakenly mistaken" .... Blessed Holy Week and Blessed Resurrection !!!

    Pascha Poem & Orthodox Craft Idea

    How does one sum up the great feast of Pascha easily for kids?

    With a long white piece of paper, we made three folds and created our very own accordion Pascha card with original poem to accompany the Passion and Resurrection of Christ icons cut out from Orthodox catalogs. This simple craft turned out to be a nice way to reinforce the meaning behind each day for young and old. Especially for godchildren and penpals far away, it helps us stay in touch spiritually since we will not be able to celebrate together. Here are the words to our poem:

    1. To Christ our God, Who raised Lazarus from the dead...
    2. You traveled to Jerusalem with the people you led...
    3. Teaching all to be servants rather than trying to get ahead...
    4. Your Body and Blood for eternity us you fed...
    5. Then nailed to the Cross, You conquered death for three days dead...
    6. As we wait to proclaim with our eggs dyed red...
    7. "I am the Resurrection and the Life,
        he who believes in me shall never die." Jesus said.

    Pentecost Coloring Icon

    The 12 disciples are seen in the icon of Pentecost gathered together waiting for the fulfillment of the promise of the Holy Spirit. The hymns of the Orthodox Church remind us that the Apostles are anticipating this moment with joy and gladness. "I am with you, no one can be against you." (Kontakion of the feast of the holy Ascension)
    Often, kids ask who is this man depicted in a crown, and what is he holding? He is the figure of the whole world, "O Kosmos"and he bears the twelve scrolls signifying the message of God's salvation that will go to all the lands through the 12 Apostles of Jesus Christ. Some of the Apostles will write the Gospel account. Find them with your children Sts Matthew, Mark, Luke and John in the icon as they hold Gospel books. The other Apostles will write letters to be sent to the first Christian Churches, thereby holding scrolls in the icon.
    Lastly, identify the symbolism of the Holy Spirit which descends as tongues of fire upon each head, granting the disciples the ability to speak in a language unknown to them for the benefit of those who heard the teaching. Remember, in Scripture we read how the sound came in like a rushing wind from heaven, uniting both what is above and what is on Earth!

    The miracle of the feast of Pentecost was for a designated purpose. The Orthodox Christian Church does not believe in the belief of "speaking of tongues" in an unintelligible babbling that is practiced today in some communities, and sees this as possible demonic activity with another spirit, but not the Holy Spirit.

    Preparing for Pentecost


    Christ is Risen!But then what?
    The story continues of course, with more exciting details and events to engage our young listeners. Christ spends the next 40 days displaying His physical Resurrection. He appears in the upper room to the Apostles twice when the doors are sealed shut, granting them peace. He is seen along the road to Emmaus, but unrecognizable to Luke and Cleopa, until He breaks bread with them and is known essentially in the Eucharist (see the lesson plan here). Then at the fortieth day on Mt Olivet the disciples with the Mother of God, stand in awe as Christ is taken up before their own very eyes into the sky with the angels at His side on His return to the Father (The Ascension). What could possibly come next for the followers of Christ.....they must wait ten more days!

    “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you”

    Click this link for the printable lesson: Pentecost Worksheet & Kneeling Prayers

    The great feast of Holy Pentecost- "peninta" or 50 days after the Resurrection

    Be sure to connect for your young people the Old Testament story of the Tower of Babel. They'll probably remember well that God "mixed up" the languages to stop the wicked plans of the people. Now, in the story of Pentecost, God is doing the opposite. He sent the gift of languages, for this one time purpose, to spread the good plan of His salvation to the whole world.

    ..."Grant to my thoughts the Spirit of your wisdom, to my folly the Spirit of understanding, with the Spirit of your fear overshadow my deeds. Renew a right Spirit within my inward parts and make firm the instability of my mind with the sovereign Spirit, so that guided each day by your good Spirit to what is profitable, I may be found worthy to do your commandments and always keep in mind your Coming, which searches out all that we have done..."

    *** Print the kneeling prayers with you on Pentecost Sunday  ***

    12 Apostles Activity


    For the 'Apostles fast' in the Orthodox Church, and here's an activity to assemble the icon day by day until the feast on June 29/30. On the first day, the children will cut out and glue the icon of Christ in the center of the Tree, learning the memory verse, "I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing."from John 15:5. Each day(s) to follow, focus on one Apostle at a time, reading their life, learning their experiences and placing them on the icon. Each has a troparion as well to chant!

    Click here to download the smaller icons

    Click here for the tree document. 

    Once the tree is colored by the children, it can be laminated, along with the icons.  We have placed velcro on the backsides, and the children re-attach the icons each year during the fasting period. 

    Saints Peter & Paul celebrated on June 29 (fast ends)

    Synaxis of the Twelve Holy Apostles, celebrated June 30: Peter, Andrew, James & John the sons of Zebedee, Phillip, Bartholomew, Thomas, Matthew, James the son of Alphaeus, Jude(Thaddaeus) the brother of James, Simon & Matthias

    Purchase the book"The Lives of the Holy Apostles" here from the Holy Apostles Convent in Colorado

    Teaching Points:
    1. The "Apostle" - The term "apostle" ("apostolos" in Greek; a derivative from "apostellein", meaning "to send") signifies a special mission or "one who is sent."
    2. Why Christ chose 12? We read fromMark 3: 14,15
    "He ordained twelve that they should be with Him, and that He might send them forth to preach and to have power to heal sickness and to cast out devils."Twelve was the number of the twelve sons of Jacob who later became the leaders of the 12tribes of Israel.  After Pentecost, Christ’s 12 disciples became the leaders of the “new Israel.” The number 12 was considered so important that very shortly after the falling of Judas Iscariot, the remaining 11 voted in a new Apostle by the name Matthias, so that there would be 12 once again

    3. Why are they men? A symbol of the ordained priesthood of men and of Christ's own gender, however, remembering that later on the Church honors other female Saints with the title "Equal-to-the Apostles," without showing any discrimination in gender, rather only designated roles.

    4. What they each hold? Notice the scrolls from the icon of Pentecost, which the figure "Kosmas" holds representing the people of the world living in darkness and sin, and involved in pagan worship. The scrolls represent the teaching of the Apostles of the Holy Gospel which they carried as a message  to all parts of the world. Try to find the Evangelists, who hold an open Gospel book, or Saint Paul who holds a collection of letters.

    5. How the Tree extends? The Apostles organized the converts and formed what we know today to be the One, Holy, Apostolic Orthodox Church, who has kept the Holy Tradition of Apostolic succession. In other words, each and every ordained priest of the Orthodox Church can trace his authority back to one of the Apostles, through each Bishop and Patriarch. This continuation is nothing short of a miracle of the Holy Spirit and of Christ's promise. 

    Today, every baptized Orthodox Christian has been grafted into this Tree, as Saint Paul spoke of in
    the book of Romans, chapter 11, "If some of the branches have been broken off, and you, though a wild olive shoot, have been grafted in among the others and now share in the nourishing sap from the olive root,..."
    Gigi Baba Shadid | Fruits of the Spirit

    SONG activity:  If you are able, try learning the Troparion for the feast. Another fun idea to help learn the names of the disciples by heart, is from the CD by Khouria Gigi   TRACK 9.It's a family favorite of ours!

    Orthodox Africa


    This brings me so much joy! It doesn't matter what language you speak, the Truth of our Lord is joyously proclaimed in Africa and it convicts our souls to ALWAYS REJOICE in HIM!

    In times such as this COVID-19 let us Orthodox Christians embrace what we have with much gratitude. I hope your families and the children  in your parishes and communities enjoy this as much as we did +


    Mount Athos on COVID-19


    Very clear message in this Youtube

    link from Mount Athos translated by Fr Peter Heers.

    Let's not be mislead but inspired to struggle for our salvation and healing in the One Holy Apostolic Church created by God. He who sanctifies every material object in His Church cannot and never will transmit disease for He is above all and beyond all.

    Wordly and rational protections are blashemous. The timing is no coincidence...no venerating icons on thee very Sunday of Icons! No faith in the Grace of the Holy Spirit on the upcoming feast of Pentecost!


    Masks in Church are Blasphemy of Holy Spirit

    Christ said that “every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven” (Matthew 12:31)

    Consider with me how un-coincidental it has been that the Holy Orthodox Churches were attacked with the suggestion to implement masks exactly beginning with the Sunday of Pentecost this year. Remembering also when we were told not to venerate icons on the Feast of Icons / Sunday of Orthodoxy.

    In today's persecution,  the suggestion that wearing a mask inside God's One, Holy and Apostolic Orthodox Church which is consecrated by God as His House on Earth for us His militant Church is a denial of His protection and blasphemy of the Holy Spirit present within.

    In the sermon of St John Chrysostom on Matthew 12 we read that one who denies the Sacraments is involved in a blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. St Paisios of the Holy Mountain also gives a more recent answer that anyone who shows disregard for the Holy things is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit.

    Consider....when Chernobyl hit...not an ounce of radiation was found anywhere inside the Orthodox Church although prevalent outside in every other sample...

    Swabs have been taken directly from Holy Icons with the saliva of those whom just venerated Gods Holy image...and not a trace of bacteria found....

    Lastly, several Saints have emphasized that even the dust off the floor of the Church has been sanctified by the offering of the Divine Liturgy inside those Holy walls...

    So I ask you...do we need the mask or do we need the One whose power is above any mask?
    Wear your masks at the grocery stores but as for Gods House you can leave them at the door! As parishioners we will answer for our choices- and obedience only applies until someone leads us astray than we who know better must answer.

    Let each man search his own conscience



    All films will be available to view on-demand – globally – from 23rd October until 8th November (Australian Eastern Standard Time) on the official Festival website: byzanfest.com.

    Christmas Bible Verse Craft


    1. God is with us(Matthew 1:23)
    2. All the Earth worships Thee (Psalm 66:4)
    3.  His name shall endure forever (Psalm 72: 17)
    4. He is our God, the God of salvation (Psalm 68:20)
    5. There shall come a Star out of Jacob (Numbers 24:17)
    6. He will save His people from their sins (Matthew 1:20-21)
    7. For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given(Isaiah 9:6)
    8. He said, “Thou art My Son; on this day have I begotten Thee” (Psalm 2:7)
    9. We have seen His star in the east, and are come to worship Him (Matthew 2:2)
    10. You will find a babe wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger(Luke 2:12)
    11. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord (Luke 2:11)
    12. Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel (Isaiah 7:14)
    13. The Angels cried out, Glory to God in the highest, and on Earth peace, good will toward men (Luke 2:14) 
    14. He will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.(Isaiah 9:6)
    15.  Amen.

    Print these 15 versus from the Bible out on different colors of paper, or at a minimal on green construction paper. Cut them into strips with a paper cutter, trim the lengths, and ask your children or teens to glue them into the Christmas story tree to white or blue paper. If you have younger ones, you could always number the phrases, but even if the order gets rearranged, it still works. Have fun learning holy scripture! To download the PDF file, click here:

    Root of Jesse Tree: Christmas Activity

    The sayings of the prophets are now fulfilled!

    Use this study to learn the prophecies of the Old Testament with your children and teenagers. (Download the free printable PDF file here, in color or black/white.) All verses are weaved into the hymns of the Orthodox Church and chanted during the Christmas services. The richness and depth of the season is remarkable!
         Complete this "Root of Jesse Tree" by first gluing the Mother of God in place, and adding a prophet as you study them with the verses below. The tradition of this icon can often be found with an image of Jesse reclining at the bottom of the icon as the root - the Mother of God becomes the "rod" who springs forth the "fruit" who is Christ (2nd century Bishop Irenaeus of Lyons, St Ambrose of Milan, and 8th c St Cosmas)

    Here are the memory verses:
    • A shoot will come forth from the stump of Jesse; from his roots a Branch will bear fruit. ( Isaiah 11:1)
    • Her womb was foreshadowed by the burning bush that was not consumed  (Exodus 3:2)
    • The Lord has created a new thing upon the earth: A woman shall compass a man (Jeremiah 31:22)
    •  Lord, the God of Israel has entered through the closed gate and it shall remain shut. (Ezekiel 44:2)
    •  Zion is our mother. a man shall say; and such a man was born in her: and the Most High Himself hath established her. (Psalm 87:5 David)
    • For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given (Isaiah 9:6)
    • Therefore my Lord himself will give you a sign. Look, the concealed one shall conceive and bear a son, and she shall call his name Immanuel (Isa 7:14)

    Discuss the symbolism & titles of Mary in the items that each Prophet carries:

    Jacob: the Ladder (Genesis 28:12)
    King David: the Ark of salvation
    Aaron: the Rod/staff that budded fruit
    Isaiah:  the Staff/Whip (10:26, 36:6)
    Daniel: the Mount (2:35, 2:45)
    Gideon: the Rock (Judges 6:20)
    Moses: the Burning bush
    Soloman: the Veil of the Temple 
    Ezekiel: Gate of Life (Ezekiel 44:3) expressed Four Gospels (explained)

    Zachariah: the Lampstand (chapter 4)

    Read more excellent quotes of the Fathers here: http://orthodoxwiki.org/Root_of_Jesse

    40 Days of Christmas Craft


    Each year, we begin decorating our home on November 15, as we begin the 40 day fast for Christmas. It's beneficial for all to begin seeing the transformation around us and within us. 
    Here are the 40 days in icons. We're aiming to cut them out, and create an ornament for each day until Christmas. If you follow the old calendar, I can post January as well.

    Enhance this activity by chanting the troparion for each day, or paste a short story from the Saints' life on the backside of each ornament.

    At this link, many Orthodox ornaments are sold, and you can get a few ideas: http://www.easterngiftshop.com/Category/CO

    Paste each icon in the center of a star or snowflake if you wish!  gold star

    After you're finished, that's forty ornaments! Plenty to fill a tree!

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